Zeth & Hannah


International Partner: England
International Partner: England

IMB missionaries Zeth and Hannah serve in the northern area of London. We began partnering with them in 2024.

Current Prayer Requests

(Last Updated August 28, 2024)

  • Pray for the planting of Braintree Village Church in Essex, which is going through an evangelistic bible study on Friday nights through the summer.
  • Prayer for the new church Grace Church Enfield Lock. There have been challenges this summer, but we are looking to work through them and appoint leaders.
  • Pray for new outreach in Camden Town, a completely unchurched area of London that we will begin marginally this month and pick up steam through the autumn.
  • Pray for our own Andrew Liebler, who will be joining this team in January for two years as a Journeyman. Pray for his transition and the final months of training and preparations.
Upcoming Trips

(Last Updated June 11, 2024)

  • None planned at the moment, check back later!

Trip Reports