Steve & Pam Kern


International Partner: Mexico
International Partner: Mexico

Steve and Pam have been on the mission field since 1985. He became director of Good News In Action in 2006. FBCMel has partnered with the GNIA since 2020. We send teams to Mexico City. The main focus of the trips is to build relationships to have faith conversations.

Current Prayer Requests

(Last Updated August 28, 2024)

Thanks so much for praying for us! Most of the petitions are the same as we follow-up the people from our evangelistic outreaches in June, July, and August where we had over 5,000 professions of faith. Our biggest prayer request is to be able to complete paying off the new property for our new campus. We have started meeting there but on December 12 we have to pay the rest of the money we owe which is $2.3 million. Then we hope to be able to build an auditorium for 1,500 people.

Pray also for Ena Sofía de López. She is the wife of one of our campus pastors and evangelism director. She oversaw our women’s ministries but now has a grade 4 glioblastoma brain tumor. She has had radiation and chemo for the last 5 months and has improved but still doesn’t have full use of her right arm and right leg. The gamma knife broke up the tumor but now she is dealing with the effects of the swelling in the brain.


Upcoming Trips

(Last Updated June 11, 2024)

  • None planned at the moment, check back later!

Trip Reports