Sam G.

South Asia

International Partner: South Asia
International Partner: South Asia

So many of South Asia’s 1.8 billion people have never heard the name of Jesus. God is at work and the church is growing, but there are so many people who have yet to hear the good news of the Gospel. First Baptist Church of Melbourne entered a partnership in 2018 with workers seeking to share the love of Christ in a specific area of a large city in South Asia. Our goal is to plant churches that will in turn plant churches. Sharing the message of the hope that Jesus gives us through friendship, prayer, and encouragement to believers are some of our efforts there.

Current Prayer Requests

(Last Updated August 28, 2024)

Right now we are engaging with people who worship Islam. This is a hard group to share the Good News with. Last month, the Father opened some doors for us to share among 3 Muslims. Please pray for this people group for Him to speak to them in dreams and visions and for them to repent and believe!

We have connected with a fellowship in an area where many Muslims live. We have connected with the pastor and his wife. We will do a training Sunday at their fellowship teaching and training them how to share the Good New using the bracelet. Please pray for this fellowship that they will be excited to share the Good News and for that area we are now engaging! It is a very rough area and spiritually dark! Pray for the Light to enter and change lives!

Pray for Manisha who has come to faith and also been healed miraculously by God after losing her ability to walk. Pray she is a bold witness to her family and community and that they would come to faith.

Thank you all so much for your prayers, support, encouragement, and partnership. We are very thankful.

Upcoming Trips

(Last Updated June 11, 2024)

  • None planned at the moment, check back later!

Trip Reports