International Partner: Eastern Europe
FBCMel has partnered with Joy and Kerem since 2020. They oversee a ministry training program in Eastern Europe. They primarily reach Turkish-speaking individuals. We support them through prayer and financial giving.
Current Prayer Requests
(Last Updated December 11, 2024)
- The third week in December we have planned a discipleship multiplication training for ethnic Azerbaijanis living in the country bordering Azerbaijan on the south. However, we are facing a load of challenges in organizing this with our Azerbaijani partners in Azerbaijan who are involved in ministering in this sensitive country. Please pray for wisdom, and that if it is God’s will, this training would happen.
- During our team prayer week, the Lord gave us clear priorities for the coming year, including 1) focus on working more closely with other people with the same or similar vision and 2) recruiting, training, and sending mentors (mostly foreign for now) to key cities in Azerbaijan to be a part of discipleship groups to help the groups be healthy and multiply faster. The mentors would walk closely alongside the national disciple makers, helping them grow in confidence and skills. Please pray God will send us the right people for this work. Next week the field leader of OM for Azerbaijan will be with us in Batumi to give us a training on how she does ministry. This is an important step in deeper relationships and partnerships with the national leaders in Azerbaijan. Please pray this time with her is very fruitful.
- Regarding the building, there are still very troubling legal issues. I do not have a recent update. Please pray that God would give favor with the government officials, that they would be willing to work with us.
- Our kids are doing well overall. Defne is struggling but doing well in 3rd grade. David has progressed a lot in many areas. He started 1st grade in Russian school but after a few weeks the school told us that he did not know enough Russian to continue in 1st grade and that he should go to kindergarten, so we decided to go that route. That was disappointing but I am working with him so he can continue in other subjects while he is learning Russian, and plan to try again for 1st grade Russian next year. If that does not work, he will be able to do 2nd grade homeschool if we do not find another solution. I am homeschooling Mercy in Kindergarten this year.
- We are not planning any special Christmas outreaches other than our church will hold a Christmas service in January in accordance with the Orthodox calendar.
- The second week in December we are spending time with a Turkish/American couple who also had to leave Turkey and are praying about joining our team. Please pray that God will clearly guide them and us and protect them throughout their travels with their 2 small children.
- Happy Thanksgiving! We are preparing for hosting our Turkish church in our home on Thanksgiving Day (probably about 30 adults and 15 children). Although only 3 or 4 Americans will be there, Thanksgiving is a celebration that is very easy to share with many different cultures.
Upcoming Trips
(Last Updated November 5, 2024)
- None planned at the moment, check back later!