Kerem & Joy Subasiguller

Eastern Europe

International Partner: Eastern Europe
International Partner: Eastern Europe

FBCMel has partnered with Joy and Kerem since 2020. They oversee a ministry training program in Eastern Europe. They primarily reach Turkish-speaking individuals. We support them through prayer and financial giving.

Current Prayer Requests

(Last Updated August 28, 2024)

We deeply appreciate all those prayers! We have seen God work in amazing ways!

Yes, someone from your church actually offered to help with the bookkeeping, so that is a huge answer to prayer!

Here are some prayer requests:

  • Please pray for spiritual protection and character growth for the REACH graduates, that they would not give the devil a foothold in their lives.
  • Please pray for an increase in our monthly support/special gifts. Our reserves have been used up.
  • Please pray for mentors for the Azerbaijani disciple makers.
  • Also, our team is considering moving next summer (2025) from Batumi to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, because it seems living there we will have many more ministry opportunities among the Azerbaijanis. Please pray that God will make it very clear to each member of our team what His will is concerning this.


Upcoming Trips

(Last Updated June 11, 2024)

  • None planned at the moment, check back later!

Trip Reports