Michael G.

North Africa

International Partner: North Africa
International Partner: North Africa

Michael has been on the mission field for over 15 years. He currently serves with his family in North Africa. Teams that go to North Africa have conversations that start relationships that lead to deeper connections and faith conversations. We have partnered with Michael since 2016.

Current Prayer Requests

(Last Updated August 28, 2024)

Thank you so much for your prayers for our team, our friends, our city, and the Lord’s work here! FBCM is a true blessing to us!

This summer was very good. Our team has grown together and the team retreat and team building time was such a great time for us. We have one more week in our New Hope Trauma Healing workshop. As a team we have shared with others and are praying to be able to help others see Christ in their deepest times of need. The summer interns did well. They made lots of connections that our team is following up on.

There are a few things we could really use prayer for.

1. Theological training from NOBTS starts in February. Please pray that all the translation gets done and the right people attend and learn and become equipped to do what the Lord has prepared for them.

2. We are looking to open a CrossFit gym as our platform for being in Lighthouse City and as an access point to reach our community with the Gospel. Bridging peoples spiritual health with their physical health has such a natural connection, We have been attending a gym and have built great relationships but the gym is fearful to go to the next step of sharing the Gospel message. We feel the Lord leading us to open a gym with the support of the local church to reach the community with the Good News. Please pray for the path to open for this to happen if it is His will. We need the following: finances for CrossFit equipment, the right location to be available, and for a couple more coaches to commit to joining the staff.

3. Please pray for visas to come through.  All foreigners are dealing with huge delays in receiving their visas which makes things difficult like registering a vehicle, getting phone and internet service, etc.

4. Pray specifically for NW and NL, two Muslim women who have softened hearts to the Gospel. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the Savior to them.

Upcoming Trips

(Last Updated June 11, 2024)

Trip Reports