Glen & Shannon Garner


International Partner: Peru
International Partner: Peru

Glen and Shannon are FBCMel church members who have been on the mission field for over 20 years. They have served in East Asia, Central Asia, Czech Republic, and currently in Peru. They currently serve in logistical roles with IMB.

Current Prayer Requests

(Last Updated August 28, 2024)

THANK YOU for the prayers. We have needed them.

1) Resettling. Man, it has been rough. We have encountered so many unexpected issues at our apartment: termites (still waiting on the resolution to this issue), leak in the utility room (woke up to a flooded utility room AFTER the leak was “fixed”), kitchen sink had to be removed and replaced, flooded bathroom, electrical issues (which should be fully resolved on Saturday), rusty water pipes, issues with furniture assembly…We finally see progress and feel more settled. Oh yeah, and I fell down the steps of our duplex apartment the day we moved in. I’m still deciding whether or not to go to the doctor because of the huge knot below my knee that isn’t going away. New doctors, new medical system, busy days—all reasons I don’t want to go.

2) Language learning. We have finished the time we were given for full-time language study. As soon as things are more settled with the apartment, I will return to private lessons to catch back up and hope to move back to the classroom until I am better able to function in Spanish. Glen will do private lessons again once he gets settled into his new role.

3) Thank you for praying for Mike. He has now left Lima to continue his travels, but we had a nice dinner with him before he left. We have each other’s contact information, so we will see where things lead.

4) Our son-in-law’s mother passed away suddenly.

Our requests for the next couple of months would be as follows:

  • Glen as he takes on his new role full time (August 19). He is currently training three new logistics consultants for AMP. We are very thankful for those roles being filled.
  • Both of us as we continue learning Spanish. We need Spanish for church and ministry, so this is a huge need.
  • That we will remain steadfast as we work through the issues we face and attempt to settle well. May we be lights even in difficult days.
  • We head to the States October 6 for a Logistics Directors meeting and will extend a couple of weeks for vacation to spend time with each of our daughters and their families. May the meetings be helpful, and may the time with our family be sweet and rejuvenating.
Upcoming Trips

(Last Updated June 11, 2024)

  • None planned at the moment, check back later!

Trip Reports