
International Partner: Cuba
International Partner: Cuba

We began our partnership in Cuba with the Florida Baptist Convention in 2024. Through evangelism in homes organized by the Cuban churches we work with, the Gospel is spreading in Cuba. We plan to take three trips per year to Cuba.

Current Prayer Requests

(Last Updated September 4, 2024)

Dorca is Pastor Osiel’s wife. She said the sisters in the church at Guantanamo are doing a wonderful job discipling the many new believers that have come in as a result of our team’s week of evangelism there. They have not baptized any yet, but are intending to do so when they have completed the first steps.

Also, please pray for the many in the church and their families who are sick and suffering with the two types of mosquito-born illnesses there. They are experiencing fever, vomiting, diarrhea and muscle pain. We have sent more of the medicines needed and also re-hydration powders to mix with water as requested.

Please ask our missions team and ladies in the church to pray for a quick delivery and for God’s healing hand for the many who are very sick, and that for the one’s whose faith is not strong to see His love and care for them.

Also pray specifically for our friend, Dayana, who is a pediatric physician and wife of a pastor. She has traveled with our church teams for many years to different parts of Cuba to be an interpreter. Please pray for her job, not only at the hospital, but ministering to folks in their church and others around them who are lost.  With the help of a ministry here in the U.S., we are able to buy and ship meds to them including antibiotics, but also simple ones like Tylenol and aspirin in bulk. She and her husband count out tablets into bags and distribute them freely to people who are very ill. As a doctor she can diagnose, treat and share the gospel with those in need.

Trip Reports