Caleb & Michelle K.


International Partner: Kenya
International Partner: Kenya

Caleb and Michelle have served with SIM and AIM AIR in Kenya since 2012. Caleb is an aircraft mechanic. FBCMel has partnered with them since 2012. We support them through prayer and financial giving.

Current Prayer Requests

(Last Updated September 9, 2024)


  • We were able to go camping and get a break from the big city.
  • The homeschooling helper teacher arrived and the kids all love her.
  • The Cessna Caravan that was struck by lightning last year and had the very delayed engine overhaul is all back together and completed 2 test flights. It is functioning great.


  • My co-worker and my upcoming skill tests this Thursday
  • The flight department has their annual audit this week by the KCAA
  • The Maintenance department annual audit will be next month. Pray that we are ready for that.
  • We will receive the Certificate of Airworthiness for the Caravan so it can start operational flights again.
Upcoming Trips

(Last Updated June 11, 2024)

  • None planned at the moment, check back later!

Trip Reports