Making disciples here and everywhere for the glory of God.
While the Lord has done so many great things already, we believe that by His grace, greater things are still ahead (John 14:12)!
Our Vision
We believe God wants to do greater things through us to reach the growing number of lost people in Melbourne. To make space for those the Lord is sending us, we believe now is the time to expand our current facility.

Church planting/duplication has been at the core of FBC Melbourne’s identity. Healthy churches reproduce. At FBC Melbourne, we want to be a sending church that sends out our very best. We believe we are being stretched to make a big step of faith to serve King Jesus. OUR GOAL IS TO PLANT 1 CHURCH A YEAR STARTING IN THE YEAR 2021.

Aaron Still
Aaron grew up and was called to ministry at FBCMel. After semi- nary, he was an associate pastor in NC before joining a church plant team aimed at reaching the East Orlando area. In late 2018, Aaron and his family moved back to Mel-bourne to help start Launch Pad to equip church planters and church plant members to make disciples here and everywhere.

Cody Chester
Cody was called to plant a church with his wife in October 2010. After 8 years of pastoral ministry in Sulphur Springs, TX, God led Cody to step out in faith and move his family to Melbourne to pursue church planting with FBCMel. His heart is to make disciples by planting a multiplying church in the southern part of our county.

Southern Brevard
It is impossible to deny the growth that our county is experiencing. With that growth comes new op- portunities to make disciples. As a new development, Emerald Lakes, brings new businesses and thou- sands of people to southern Bre- vard, we are planning to plant our first church through Launch Pad at the end of 2021.
2021 marked our church’s 100th anniversary. Generations of believers before us have sacrificed and given to enable the last 100 years of ministry. Now we have an opportunity, if the Lord should tarry, to invest in the next 100 years of ministry here. Over the next several weeks we’ll be asking all of our people to pray about how the Lord would have us to “grow” (in living daily on mission with Christ), to “go” (wherever He calls), and to “give” (so that others may hear of His love).
In 2018, we called our church to give to a hopeful vision. You gave sacrificially, and because of your faithfulness, together we have given approximately 50% of the total project cost. We’ve also trained called-out leaders who have been preparing to plant new churches. Today, by God’s grace, hope has become reality and vision has become action! Our new worship center is under construction and our church planting team is about to be sent! Our goal is to completely retire the remaining debt so that more funds can be released for Kingdom work here and around the world. By sacrificing together over the next 3 years we believe this goal is achievable within 10 years.
In faith we do not believe that a 3rd giving initiative for this project will be necessary. For example, if the same amount is given over the next 3 years as has been given the previous 3 years (~$5m), the remaining debt ($2-3m) would be retired by 2031.
Yes! Our vision from the Lord has not changed. We believe He is still calling us to allocate a 10% portion of what is given to Greater Things so that new churches can be started here in the Space Coast, and Lord willing, in some of the major urban centers of the US as well.
Our builder has given us a timeline of 15-18 months, weather permitting. As work began in July of 2021, that would put the “finish line” between September and December of next year. Our hope is to be worshipping together in this new space by Christmas of 2022!