Living on Mission

As a church family, our prayer is that people would meet Jesus here at our church, grow as disciples here, and discover the mission that God has for them.
And everyone can be on mission with King Jesus because Jesus said in John 20:21 as the father has sent me, I also send you.

We can all participate as we do 3 things:

Pray, Give, Go 


Prayer undergirds and propels all of our church’s missional activities. We do not pray for the work; prayer is the work. All of us can be involved in praying for the mission activities of our church.


We give of our finances to support the sending of the gospel into this world. The bible says, We are blessed to be a blessing to the nations. In addition to finances, we can give by helping with: logistics, prayer coordination, communications, research, re-entry coordination, etc.  We can give of our finances and our time.


We go, by training and sending our church members through short-term, mid-term, and long-term opportunities for more than a couple of years.

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

Acts 1:8

As we go on mission we have these three areas:

Go Local

Our church has many local partners where we go and show love to our local community (our Jerusalem), we serve our local community as we demonstrate and share the gospel with people here locally. Many in our church family can be on Mission with King Jesus right here in Brevard County.


Go Domestic

For some in our church family their mission is in a different city or different region here in the US (our Judea and Samaria). We go and we display and share the gospel as we are a part of a new church plant here in the US. Many in our church family can be on Mission with King Jesus as we go outside of Brevard County to share the gospel and plant new churches in different areas of the US.


Go International

For some in our church family their mission carries them to the other side of the globe to share Jesus with the nations, (to the ends of the earth). We have many international partners where we go and serve and share the gospel in places around the world. Many in our church family can be on Mission with King Jesus as we go to the ends of the earth, and make disciples of all the nations.


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Each Saturday at 3:21PM let's pray together specifically for our local, North American, and international mission partners.